Saturday 26 November 2011

2 Broke Girls - Why Do You Elude Me Like You Do?

As I mentioned in this week's Fangirl Friday over on When Sally Met Sally, I've been having trouble getting to the heart of CBS' new comedy for the pilot season, 2 Broke Girls.

I've watched 4 of about 10 episodes thus far (which may well explain the lack of but I just cannot make my mind up about it. One minute it has me actually laughing out loud ("You took money from a homeless guy??") and the next thing you know, a string of bad lesbian jokes just happen. But then Max calls Caroline the Relationship Ghost, which is hilarious. See what I mean? Arrrgh!!

So I'm going to see how it goes and obviously watch a bit more before I make up my mind completely about it, though I am normally predisposed to dislike any show which feels it needs to use a laughtrack. Never mind.

Anyway: this week's Fangirl Friday is up, and I've got all sorts of strong opinions about New Girl and Suburgatory, which is exciting. What are you waiting for? No, really. Go! ;)

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