Friday 4 November 2011

Fangirl Friday

I'm so psyched right now, I'm not quite sure how to wipe the smile off my face. Not only is it the end of the working week, but it's the start of a new venture - I'm blogging about TV for the marvellous new website When Sally Met Sally, in a weekly feature called Fangirl Friday (which you'll remember from the last post!). Please do check it out and let me know what you think about it, and while you're there make sure you check out the other fab sections too :)

It might seem silly, but to actually get hosted on a site and getting to write about something you love is just an amazing thing to me. I've blogged, Tweeted and Facebooked for years, following bloggers and writers I admire, and now to be able to say 'hey, I'm a writer too!' sounds narcissistic but feels awesome.

In other news, my NaNoWriMo project is flailing like a Priest in a brothel, but at least I've got this weekend to catch up. I'm not looking at WriteChain until I have tissues handy to mop up the tears of guilt...

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