Sunday 30 October 2011


Okay, so I absolutely cannot wait for the new Florence + The Machine album. Really. I've been waiting on the edge of my seat for about a week now, replaying What The Water Gave Me on YouTube until my ears bleed from the awesome; and don't get me started about my singing along to said track...

I just really, really hope it lives up to expectations - though if the single Shake It Out and the aforementioned track of amazingness are anything to go by, it will - as the other album I had been looking forward to a lot recently, which came out earlier this month, was a huge disappointment.

You were expecting me to name the band/album then, weren't you? Ha. No such luck. It's too embarrassing for the internets and is indeed a very guilty pleasure. I'll give you a clue:

...don't judge me! I can't help it! O_o

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