Saturday, 29 October 2011

Taking The Lid Off

What with all the crazy going on in the world today, sometimes muttering to oneself with headphones in whilst walking down the street is not always the most cathartic (or healthy) way to express one's opinion. So where do you turn? Who will listen? How will you convince your colleague who has just seen your insane murmurings from across the street that you are not actually crazy? These are the questions I have been faced with time and time again, only to waste several years of increasing, sanity-related isolation by doing nothing. It is time for change: it's time to blog.

So I'd be lying if I said this was the first time I've blogged - I maintained (in the loosest sense of the word) a LiveJournal blog from when I was about 18, but found myself too constrained by actively trying to define what I was and wasn't allowed to write about. It wasn't quite a journal or a blog, just some poor confused corner of the internets waiting, nay, begging for a purpose.

Well, I've decided to let myself go - figuratively speaking, of course. I'm not that old. I fully intend for this blog to be about anything that crosses my work-addled mind. I promise everything and nothing all at once, and I positively encourage you all to sign in and tell me how stupid I am. Honestly, we'll both get something out of it in the end. Or something.

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